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our privacy policy


We take the privacy of our Website users very seriously and are committed to and protecting the information that users provide to us in connection with their use of our website. Furthermore, we are committed to protecting and using your data in accordance with applicable law. 


The Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collecting, use and disclosure of your information through the use of our digital assets (the „Services“) when you access the Services through your devices. 

Please read the Privacy Policy carefully and make sure you fully understand your practices regarding your data before using our services. If you have read and fully understand this policy and do not agree with our practices, you must stop using our digital assets and services. By using our services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this services constitutes your acceptance of the Privacy Policy and any changes to it. 

In this Privacy Policy you will find out: 

  • how we collect data

  • which data we collect

  • why we collect data 

  • to whom we pass on the data

  • where we save data

  • how long we save data

  • how we protect data

  • how we deal with minors 

  • updates or changes to the Privacy Policy 

What data do we collect?

Below you will find an overview of the data we can collect: 

Non - identified and non- identifiable information that you provide during the registration process or that is collected to the use of our services („non- personal- data“). Non- personal data does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about who it was collected from. Non - personal data that we collect, consists mainly of technical and aggregated usage information. 

Individual identifiable information, i.e. any information by which you can be identified („Personal Data“). Personal Data that we collect through our services may include information, that is requested from time to time, such as names, email addresses, addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses and more. If we combine personal data with non - personal data we will treat it as personal data for as long as ist combined. 

How do we collect data?

The main methods of how we collect data are listed below: 

We collect data when you use our services. So when you visit our digital assets and use services, we may collect, record an store usage, sessions an related information.

We collect data that you provide to us yourself, for example when you contact us directly via communication channel (e.g. an email with a comment or feedback). 

We may collect data from third party sources as described below. 

We collect data that you provide to us when you log in to our services via a third party provider, such as Facebook or Google.

Why do we collect this data?

We may use your data for the following purpose: 

  • to provide and operate our services 

  • to develop, costuming and improve our services 

  • for other internal, statistical and research purposes

  • to improve our data security and fraud prevention  capabilities 

  • to investigate violation and unforced our terms and policies and to comply with applicable laws, regulations or governmental requests

Who do we share this data with?

We may share your data with our service providers in order to operate our services (e.g. storage of data via third party hosting services, provision of technical support, etc.).

We may also disclose your data in the following circumstances: (i) to investigate, detect, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities or other wrongdoing; (ii) to establish or exercise our rights of denkendes; (iii) to protect our rights, property or personal safety, or the safety of our users of the public; (iv) in the event of a change of control of us or one of our affiliates (by way of merger, acquisition or purchase of (sustainability) all of its assets, etc.); (v) to collect and or manage your information using authorized third party service providers (e.g. cloud service providers) as appropriate for business purposes; (vi) to work with third parties to improve your user experience. For the avoidance of doubt, please note that we may transfer, disclose or otherwise use non-personal data to third parties at our discretion. 

Cookies and similar technologies 

When you visit or access our services, we authorize third parties to use web beacons, cookies, pixel tags, scripts and other technologies and analytic services ( „Tracking Technologies“). These Tracking Technologies may allow third parties to automatically collect your data to improve the browsing experience on our digital assets, optimize their performance and ensure a tailored user experience, as well as for security and fraud prevention purposes. 

We wil not pass your e-mail address or other personal data to advertising companies or advertising networks without your consent. 

Where do we save the data?

non-personal data 

Please not that our companies and our trusted partners and service providers are located around the world. For the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, we store and process any non-personal data we collect in different jurisdictions. 

Personal data 

Personal data may be maintained, processed and stored in the United States, Ireland, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel and to the extent necessary for the proper provision of our services and /or as required by law (as further explained below) in other jurisdictions. 

How long will the data be retained?

Please note that we retain the data we collect for as long as necessary to provide our services, to comply with our legal and contractual obligations to you, to resolve, disputes and to enforce our agreements. 

We are able to correct, supplement or delete incorrect or incomplete data at any time at our own discretion. 

How do we protect the data? 

The hosting services for our digital assets provides as with the online plattform through which we can offer you through our services. Your data may be stored via our hosting providers` data storage, databases and general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall and they provide secure HTTPS access to most areas of their services. 

Notwithstanding the measures and efforts taken by us and our hosting provider we cannot and do not guarantee absolut protection and security of the information you upload, post or otherwise transmit to us or others. For this reason, we encourage you to set strong passwords and, whenever possible, not to provide us or others with confidential information that you believe could cause you significant or lasting harm if disclosed. As email and instant messaging are not considered secure forms of communication, we also ask that you do not disclose confidential information via either of these communication channels.  

We will only use your personal data for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy and only if we are satisfied that: 

the use of your personal data is necessary to fulfill or conclude a contract (e.g. to provide you with the services themselves or customer service or technical support);

the use of your personal data is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, or

the use of your personal data is necessary to support our legitimate business interests (provided that this is done at all times in a way that is proportionate and respects your data protection rights).

As an union citizen, you can: 

request confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed an request access to your stored personal data and certain additional information; 

request the receipt of personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine - readable format;

request the rectification of your personal data stored by us;

request the deletion of your personal data;

object to the processing of the personal data by us; 

request the restriction of your personal data or


lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

However, please note that these rights are not absolut and may be subject to our own legitimate interests and regulatory requirements. If you have any general questions about the persona data we collect and how we use it, please contact us as set out below. 

In the course of providing the services, we may transfer data across borders to affiliated companies or other third parties and from your country/jurisdiction to other countries/jurisdictions worldwide. By using our services, you consent to the transfer of your data outside the EEA. 

If you are based in the EEA, your personal data will only be transferred to locations outside the EEA where we are satisfied that and adequate or equivalent level of protection or personal data exists. We will take appropriate steps to ensure that we have appropriate contractual arrangements in place with our third parties to ensure that our safeguards are ein place, so that the risk of unlawful use, alteration, delegation, loss or theft of your personal data is minimized and that such third parties act all times in accordance with applicable law. 

Rights under the California Consumer Protection Act

If you use the services as a California resident, you max be entitled to request access to and deletion of your information under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

To exercise your right to access and delete your data, please look below for how to contact us.

We do not sell users personal information for the purposes of CCPA. 

Updates or changes to the Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time at our sole discretion, the version published on the Website is always current (see „Status“). We ask you to check this Privacy Policy regularly for changes. In the case of significant changes, we will publish a notice on our Website. Your continued use of this services following notification on our Website will constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of the Changes to the Privacy Policy and your agreement to be bound be the terms of such changes.


If you have general questions about the services or the information we collect about you and how we use ist, please contact us: 

name: Lehnert & Vorwerg Rechtsanwältinnen

address: Industriestraße 49, 04229 Leipzig 

e-mail address:






Wenn Sie die Dienste als Einwohner Kaliforniens nutzen, dann sind Sie möglicherweise nach dem kalifornischen Verbraucherschutzgesetz (California Consumer Privacy Act; „CCPA“) berechtigt, Zugriff auf und Löschung Ihrer Daten zu verlangen.


Um Ihr Recht auf den Zugriff und die Löschung Ihrer Daten geltend zu machen, lesen Sie bitte nachstehend, wie Sie Kontakt zu uns aufnehmen können.

Wir verkaufen keine personenbezogenen Daten der Nutzer für die Absichten und Zwecke des CCPA.

Aktualisierungen oder Änderungen der Datenschutzrichtlinie

Wir können diese Datenschutzrichtlinie nach eigenem Ermessen von Zeit zu Zeit überarbeiten, die auf der Website veröffentlichte Version ist immer aktuell (siehe Angabe zum „Stand“). Wir bitten Sie, diese Datenschutzrichtlinie regelmäßig auf Änderungen zu überprüfen. Bei wesentlichen Änderungen werden wir einen Hinweis dazu auf unserer Website veröffentlichen. Wenn Sie die Dienste nach erfolgter Benachrichtigung über Änderungen auf unsere Website weiter nutzen, gilt dies als Ihre Bestätigung und Zustimmung zu den Änderungen der Datenschutzrichtlinie und Ihr Einverständnis an die Bedingungen dieser Änderungen gebunden zu sein.



Wenn Sie allgemeine Fragen zu den Diensten oder den von uns über Sie erfassten Daten und deren Verwendung haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter:


Name: Lehnert & Vorwerg Rechtsanwältinnen

Anschrift: Industriestraße 49, 04229 Leipzig


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